EAS Inaugural IP Roundtable Event

by L. Gregory Henley

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Our inaugural event, a Roundtable Discussion, was a resounding success as more than 100 participants took advantage of the occasion. Hosted by Michael Hobbs, panelists included experts in the field of music (David Lowery and Karla Redding-Andrews), arts (Julio Mejia), film and TV (Wayne Overstreet and Len Gibson) and sports (Michael Hobbs). Darryl Cohen, our keynote speaker who was introduced by Stephen Weizenecker, is an Entertainment Attorney. He captured the audience’s attention with his vast experience including a little-known riveting story about the late Lisa (Left Eye) Lopes of the group TLC.

The purpose of Entertainment, Arts & Sports (EA&S) is to support the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance’s (GIPA’s) mission of Empowering Intellectual Property to Advance Society ® to move “Ideas from Heads to Hands” ™ Quickly and Equitably and expand its reach into the Entertainment, Arts and Sports arenas. Please be on the lookout for our next event as well as our newsletter.

Dr. L Gregory Henley is the creator of Nexxt Productions, Inc., “The Entreprenuer Nexxt Door” and is an EAS IP Committee Member.